pediatric dentistry

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pediatric dentistry

Oral health is a fundamental part of the overall health and development of every infant, child and adolescent because oral diseases affect function, development and quality of life. Child oral health care should be continual, easily accessible, cost effective, good in quality and comprehensive and reverent of every child and their family. This care eradicates disease, pain and infection; restores function and form of dentitions and corrects apparent facial dysfunction or disfiguration

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Pediatric Dentistry Or Kid’s Dentistry Provides Primary Preventive And Comprehensive Oral Health Care For Infants And Children Through Adolescence, Together With Special Health Care Needs.  Common Dental Procedures Have Been Modified And Reformed To The Distinctive Requirements   Of Infants, Children, Adolescents And Special Health Care Needs. Pediatric Dentistry Comprise of:-

The skills apply to the continuously changing stages of dental, physical, and psychosocial development for treating conditions and diseases distinctive to growing individuals.

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